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HUMBI early childhood education

From 0 to 3 years

Our First Cycle Children's Center has more than 25 years of experience educating boys and girls from 0 to 3 years old in a healthy and safe environment. We try to enhance their skills by developing their creativity, teamwork and social values.

It is a stage in which the boy or girl is separated from the family environment for the first time, which is why we understand and carefully accompany this adaptation process for both the minor and the mother, father or guardians.

TET, Total English Teaching

  • Total because it includes all of the language structures in children's daily lives.
  • English because it uses the child's complete immersion in the English language and culture.
  • Teaching because we are talking about a teaching method tested and used for more than ten years, with spectacular results in English for babies and children.


Yoga in boys and girls helps reduce neuromuscular tension, they learn to breathe, strengthen their muscles and gain greater flexibility.

Dining room with own kitchen

Balanced menus adapted to the ages of our students, prepared every day in the school facilities.

Speech therapy, psychology and guidance

The continuous monitoring of our students allows us to have a harmonious environment in our educational community, attending to the needs of each individual.


Thanks to the nursing service at the center, the risk of accidents and illnesses at school is reduced, as well as the correct attention to students regarding health issues.

2 Educators per classroom

Shared teaching improves attention to students, especially at early ages where they need more follow-up.


Psychomotor exercises allow students to achieve better control of their own body


Correct rest is essential for the good development of our students, which is why we have two bedrooms equipped for both babies and boys and girls aged 1-2 years.

What differentiates us from other children's centers?

Personal education

Highly qualified qualified staff

Permanent communication with parents

Platform for managing the Clickedu center

TET English Learning System

ISO 9001 Quality Certificate

S+ Child Safety Certificate

Complete program of activities

Excellent facilities

Own dining room

Digital boards

Psychomotor classroom

Toilets in each classroom

TET English Learning System

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HUMBI teachers

What do we do at school?

Children from 4 months to 1 year

In our center we start working with children from 4 months of age. With the purpose of stimulating and developing the knowledge and learning of the little ones.

To achieve the objectives set based on ages, we must have a series of guidelines and follow highly personalized stimulation.

Starting because with the little ones, they are the ones who set the routines and pace of their learning. We adapt to their feeding, rest and hygiene schedules so that babies feel as comfortable as possible and thus take advantage of the moments they are awake to stimulate them and achieve greater performance in their evolutionary progress.

From home they send us food and basic “instructions” so that their routines and habits are minimally modified. With the help of the agendas, communication with the tutor is daily.

And they will wonder How does it benefit my child to go to Humbi at such a young age?

The first years of life are the most important for the psychological and social development of children, and at Humbi students are in the hands of professionals who teach and guide them in learning new skills, in the same way that they work to stimulate development. of thought.

Thanks to the relationship with children of the same age, they can interact with each other, stimulating verbal communication through different group activities. This will favor language development, since they considerably expand their vocabulary. As a consequence, they strengthen emotional ties with people and stimulate their empathy.

Babies will begin to know the basic rules of coexistence and respect for others, as well as the rules and limits they must comply with. They learn to socialize.

Thanks to his early incorporation into the center, the child will adapt more easily since he is not so aware of the detachment from his parents. The adaptation is progressive and much faster. At the center we will ensure that before moving on to the next class (1-2 years) the baby has managed to assimilate the routines and this step does not involve effort or sudden changes in her previous habits.

Emotional self-control and behavior are stimulated in resolving different situations or conflicts.

Strengthens self-esteem and confidence. As the student becomes more independent and acquires new knowledge, he develops her creativity and imagination.

Of course, without forgetting that it is a support element for parents who have to balance both work and family life in a more comfortable and easier way.

Three times a week you will have a visit from our teacher. With the TET method we begin to work on English from 4 months. This method, specially designed to work on the language with the little ones, presents all the English grammatical structures in real, meaningful and fun contexts for children. That is, how they would be presented to a child born into an English-speaking family. The objective is to take advantage of those months in which it is possible to learn English effortlessly. And also, with a high qualitative level both at a phonetic level and in structural understanding of the English language.

Our main objective is for your children to be happy in our center and begin their school journey with joy and great enthusiasm.
We want them to have fun playing, to make friends, to laugh, to grow and learn by experimenting in an environment of trust and affection.
We also want you to trust us, in our work and professionalism. We put all our effort into ensuring that your children are safe and happy.
At the center we work with the TET method that allows us to introduce the English language naturally.
Based on this, we want to detail how your child spends his day and what he will do throughout this year.


The schedules that your child will have throughout the week are those detailed in the attached folio. As you can see, she will have classes in English 3 times a week.

  • 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.: Reception and welcome of students.
  • Playground: Until 10 h We continue to receive children, but we will now be in the yard in free play. During the different moments when they have free play in the yard, gross psychomotor skills are encouraged, especially. Movement is closely related to the comprehensive development of the student since it creates numerous neural connections essential for optimal maturation.
    For children of this age it is essential to be able to move freely and discover the motor possibilities and limitations of their own body.
  • Class: In the classroom we work on language, music (with stories, songs, images, percussion instruments...), manipulative games (lace, stacking, construction pieces) and activities planned each day according to the schedule.
    English classes will be taught three times a week.
  • Dinning room: Our menus are designed by expert dietitians to meet the high nutritional demands of the growing age. It is sent to families at the beginning of the month by email to keep them informed so that they can make appropriate nutritional combinations to complement dinners.
    At first, they are given lunch and, progressively, they will be encouraged to do it on their own, thus gradually gaining autonomy and independence.
  • Siesta: After lunch, their faces and hands are washed, their clothing is lightened, if necessary their diaper is changed again, if they use a diaper or some attachment object it will be given to them at this time. The bedroom is set by darkening the room and playing relaxation music. Each student will rest in her own crib.


Always starting from the premise that each child has their own evolutionary development, we will try to ensure that the children achieve the following objectives per quarter:

    – Try to make coming to school enjoyable.
    – Get started in daily routines.
    – Promote the child's relationship with the rest of the people, both with his peers and with the adults around him (educators and center workers)
    – Get to know the first rules of coexistence.
    – Begin to enjoy, through play and experimentation, different plastic techniques (thick crayons, finger painting, tearing and crumpling paper...)
    – Begin to expand your vocabulary through songs, stories and the teaching unit covered that month, both in Spanish and English.
    – Get started in using the spoon and glass.
    – Stimulate the sense of taste and touch.
    – Recognize and perform movements with hands and feet.
    – Celebrate traditional holidays: birthdays, Halloween and Christmas.
    – Get used to daily routines.
    – Participate with pleasure in the proposed activities.
    – Recognize your family members, as well as your colleagues.
    – Perform different movements with the body.
    – Know and point out the parts of the face in both languages ​​(Spanish/English)
    – Start eating and drinking without help.
    – Collaborate when dressing and undressing.
    – Expand vocabulary through stories, songs and the corresponding teaching unit, both in Spanish and English.
    – Actively participate in the popular festival: Los Carnavales.
    – Recognize and point out the parts of the body.
    – Use motor and sensory possibilities in daily activities.
    – Get started in the development of autonomous behaviors.
    – Progressively develop coexistence behaviors.
    – Start eating independently.
    – Expand vocabulary: Name objects and begin to communicate needs (Spanish/English)
    – Become familiar with the regional festival. Canary Islands Day.

All these objectives will be achieved through coexistence, daily routines and proposed topics, always respecting the maturity and development of each child.


We know that each child is unique, special and different from the rest, therefore, using the same methodology or a single method for everyone would be a mistake. We prefer to adapt the methods to the personality and maturity of each student.
This year we work again with the TET method. This method allows the little ones to acquire English grammatical structures in real, meaningful and fun contexts for them.
Children learn by playing, interacting with others, living new experiences, ...that is why we base learning on the game.
At first their games are solitary, but little by little they begin to be sociable, to imitate behaviors and reproduce what they see and hear. They begin to understand and understand the conversations and begin to repeat words, actions... That is why it is important to get involved in any activity carried out, every action, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is important for their learning.
Another important pillar for us, when it comes to teaching, is the affectivity: Children need to know they are loved to feel safe. We try to ensure that the relationship between the teacher and the students takes place within an affectionate environment, with relationships of understanding, acceptance, mutual trust and respect.

Our main objective is for your children to be happy in our center and begin their school journey with joy and great enthusiasm.
We want them to have fun playing, to make friends, to laugh, to grow and learn by experimenting in an environment of trust and affection.
We also want you to trust us, in our work and professionalism. We put all our effort into ensuring that your children are safe and happy.
At the center we work with the TET method that allows us to introduce the English language naturally.
Based on this, we want to detail how your child spends his day and what he will do throughout this year.


The schedules that your child will have throughout the week are those detailed in the attached folio. As you can see, she will have classes in English 3 times a week.

From the 8: 45h until 9: 30h we are welcoming children. Those who arrive join the game.

  • Class: Starting at 9: 30h We start work in class. A small assembly is held and spatiotemporal concepts are worked on (day of the week and weather conditions), roll is taken, stories, songs are told... Later we return to the classroom to work on language, fine motor skills, as well as concepts (up-down , inside-outside, front-back...), numbers, colors, first letters....All of this related to the topic being discussed at that moment.
    English classes will be taught three times a week.
    Some days a simple card will be made. At the end of the course they will take home a folder with everything they have worked on throughout the school year.
    We take advantage of the moments in class to use the bathroom, reinforcing sphincter control and autonomy when it comes to toileting.
  • Siesta: Also in class we rest after lunch. We create a calm environment by darkening the classroom and playing relaxation music. Each student has their own mat on which to rest from the daily hustle and bustle.
  • Yard: In the different moments when they have free play in the yard, gross psychomotor skills are encouraged, especially. Movement is closely related to the comprehensive development of the student since it creates numerous neural connections essential for optimal maturation. Values ​​such as cooperation, empathy, camaraderie are reinforced...
  • Dining room. Our menus are designed by expert dietitians to meet the high nutritional demands of the growing age. It is sent to them at the beginning of the month by email to keep them informed so that they can make appropriate nutritional combinations to complement their dinners.
    At first they are helped, but that help, as they gain in skill, will be withdrawn since the objective is for them to eat completely autonomously. In the same dining room they will clean their faces and hands.
    One day a week, depending on the class and the established calendar, the routines change since they will spend the morning on the sand pit.


Always starting from the premise that each child has their own evolutionary development, we will try to ensure that the children achieve the following general objectives throughout the year:
– Develop hygiene and health habits. Among them, progressive sphincter control.
– Take care of the center material.
– Use the trash can: we learn to recycle.
– Sort and clean up the class and the yard.
– Share with colleagues.
– Listen to and enjoy the stories and songs in both Spanish and English.
– Distinguish between sound and silence: attend to and know how to be silent for small moments.
– Learn to doodle, stamp, paint…
– Increase vocabulary in Spanish and begin to handle words in English.
– Show affection and respect to your classmates and teachers.
– Differentiate textures.
– Interpret images (Spanish/English).


– Adaptation to the center, the staff and the routines. Recognize your classmates and teachers.
– Discover body movements and postures.
– Get to know the children's center (classes, patios, dining room, bathrooms...)
– Identify class objects.
– Understand the concept of No. 1.
– Distinguish the circle.
– Recognize the color red and green.
– Differentiate between big/small and up/down.
– Greet and say goodbye.
– Discover actions of everyday life.
– Know and celebrate popular festivals: Halloween and Christmas.
– Sing Christmas carols in English and Spanish.
– Make vertical strokes.


– Discover the motor possibilities inherent to daily activity at school and use them.
– Develop hand-eye coordination.
– Know your own body by identifying some differential and sexual characteristics.
– Recognize and name parts of the body. Have a global idea of ​​the body, acquiring greater control over it.
– Communicate and express ideas.
– Differentiate the concepts “many-few” and “inside-outside”.
– Learn to put on clothing.
– Identify the color blue and yellow. Begin to differentiate it from red and green.
– Acquire the concept of No. 2.
– Discover the square and discriminate it from the circle.
– Participate in the Carnival party.
– Know winter.
– Acquire vocabulary specific to this party through songs, images and costumes.


– Know the color pink and orange as a result of mixing other colors.
– Differentiate between above – below and front – behind.
– Start working with the triangular shape. Discriminate it from the square and the circle.
– Discover the cultural tradition of the Canary Islands through activities, songs, Canary Islands Day celebrations,… Expand specific vocabulary of this region.
– We study “Spring” and get to know different “Families”.
– Recognize different types of animals. Relate domestic and wild animals to their environments.
– Imitate the sounds of different animals.
– Development and expansion of the objectives proposed during the past quarters.
– Plant and care for a plant and observe its development.


We know that each child is unique, special and different from the rest, therefore, using the same methodology or a single method for everyone would be a mistake. We prefer to adapt the methods to the personality and maturity of each student.
We work with the TET method. This method allows the little ones to acquire English grammatical structures in real, meaningful and fun contexts for them.
Children learn by playing, interacting with others, living new experiences, ...that is why we base learning on play.
At first their games are solitary, but little by little they begin to be sociable, imitate behaviors and reproduce what they see and hear. They understand and understand the conversations and begin to repeat words, actions... That is why it is important to get involved in any activity carried out, every action, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is important for their learning.
Another important pillar for us, when it comes to teaching, is affectivity: children need to know they are loved to feel safe. We ensure that the relationship between the teacher and the students takes place within an affectionate environment, with relationships of understanding, acceptance, mutual trust and respect.


Schedules: 8:45 a.m. – 16:00 p.m.

Address: Avenida Kurt Konrad Mayer 10, 38670 Adeje. Tenerife – Canary Islands

Loss (922) 712 779
